Pre/post operative advice
One week prior to treatment
Avoid blood thinning over the counter medication such as aspirin and ibuprofen
Avoid supplements including St John's Wort and fish oils
2 days prior to treatment
Avoid topical products such as Tretinoin, Retinol, Glycolic Acid, Retinoids or "Anti-ageing" products
Avoid waxing, bleaching, tweezing or using hair removal cream on the area to be treated
Start taking Arnica tablets (this will help to lessen bruising)
If you are getting lip fillers and are prone to cold sores, start taking your prescribed medication from Dr Karen
24 hours prior to treatment
Avoid taking alcoholic beverages
The day of treatment
Please arrive make up free
Topical anaesthetic cream may be applied and the skin will be fully disinfected prior to treatment being carried out
Following treatment
Apply cool packs and topical Arnica to reduce swelling and bruising
The day of treatment take paracetamol only to alleviate any discomfort if necessary
Avoid touching the treated area
Avoid intense exercise
Avoid wearing make up
Avoid alcohol
Try to remain upright for 4 hours after any Botulinum toxin treatments
24 hours after treatment
You can take ibuprofen and antihistamines to alleviate swelling
Apply cool packs if necessary
For 1 week following treatment
Avoid strong sunlight, sunbeds, saunas, steam rooms and facials
Avoid extremes of hot and cold
Lumpiness of areas treated with dermal filler are common at this stage
2 weeks following treatment
If any lumps persist at this stage these can be massaged out, if you are unable to do so yourself, contact Dr Karen and she will be able to advise and review as necessary
Please contact us immediately if you have any of the following
Worsening or severe pain at or near injection site
Worsening redness or hotness around or near the injection site
Discharge from the injection site
Blanching (whitening) of injected areas
Skin feeling cool to touch at or near injection site
Discoloured blotches near to or distant from injection site
Fever or chills